Friday, January 29, 2016

week of January 25-29

This week was a busy week.  We started the week on the self esteem activity. Kids worked on charting their self esteem  every day. It was interesting to see how some kids self esteem fluctuates with the weather. LOL. They also worked on the self esteem rainbows and mentor/mentee worked together by describing each other and putting those words on the rainbow. I really liked that the science teacher came into class and told the kids that the rainbows looked liked the layers of the earth, Towards the end of the week we talked about values and why we value certain values over others.After the kids did the worksheet the mentee/mentor paired up and discussed what values are most important to them and why.We ended the week by doing the I am Poem. I cant wait to read the poems next week.

Friday, January 15, 2016


This week at Scott Carpenter the kids worked on Roadblocks and detours which helped them acknowledge the obstacles that may be keeping them back from their successes. Students were divided into groups and they all took turns trying to "drive" through the road blocks while having the blindfold on. Each time the road block was rearranged so that the driver did not know where they might be.
After this part we talked about roadblocks and detours and gave examples of both. The second part of this activity was one driver and the person behind them would be the vehicle. That student would guide them through the roadblocks and make sure that they would reach their destination. We had a discussion after wards about what they thought were roadblocks in their lives and what kind of detours they can take that can somewhat help them get to where they want to. We also talked about support groups and who or what could make their journey easier.

Friday, January 8, 2016

January 5th-8th


First week back from winter break and it was a good week.
Getting to know the students and building that bond between student-teacher.
This week we finalized our research on universities and got a better understanding about what it is going to take to be successful. Looking forward to next week.