Last week, we dedicated our time to trust: What is it? What builds it? What breaks it? Because our Community Reach teacher was absent on Monday, we moved our tutoring day up and worked hard on our core classes. On Tuesday, we completed the People of My World lesson and utilized a handy tree map to classify our family, friends, schoolmates, teammates, etc... The students did a lovely job and were surprised to see they had so many people in their lives.
Wednesday, we prepared ourselves for building our Trust Bridges by completing a worksheet that got us thinking about who we trust and why.
We built our Trust Bridges on Thursday and "Kagan-ized" the activity by adding challenges. The kids' mission was to include a 3-D element, three ways to build trust, and three ways to destroy trust. On top of that, each team member could only touch certain supplies. That means, if someone wanted to glue their paper, they had to communicate what they wanted to the person in charge of the glue. It's great fun for me to watch them maneuver around obstacles like these and the scholars get to practice their communication skills in a real-life application. Due to the 25-minute time limit, some teams struggled to complete the task, while others excelled! Take a look below.
We celebrated our September and October birthdays on Friday with some delicious snacks and more trust-themed activities. Students participated in trust falls, as well as a trust walk. For the trust walk, mentees went into the hallway to wait while the mentors set up an obstacle course. Then, each mentor walked their mentee through the course as carefully as possible. Once all the mentees went through, they were given a chance to re-make the course and guide their mentors.
Here's one final highlight for this post... A mentor quizzing his mentee on multiplication!
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