Friday, February 13, 2015

February 9th - 13th

So far, nothing spooky is happening at SCMS on this Friday, the 13th. The staff and students are looking forward to a long weekend after a great week filled with fun activities and parent/teacher conferences.

The YESS Institute students completed two projects, in addition to their small-group session on Monday and their homework help day on Thursday. The first activity they completed was the Life Map, which they had started last week. For this project, each student was asked to create a timeline of their life and write a paragraph to explain the events they chose to include. The goal was to allow them to explore their history and how past experiences may affect their current lives. As usual, I was impressed with the kids' creativity and thoughtfulness!

All the YESS Institute participants created Hand Contracts this week, as well. For this activity, we discussed how to set good goals and how to use objectives as "mini-goals," which are intended to help achieve the broader aim. Once the criteria for goals and objectives were set, the mentors assisted their mentees in setting goals for their time in YESS. 

Next week, time is short, but we'll be making the most of it by exploring thought patterns and the differences between thoughts and emotions.

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