Friday, February 6, 2015

January 26th - February 6th

As the students at Scott Carpenter Middle School switch their mindset from an introductory one to a more comfortable, trusting one, real mentoring relationships are beginning to emerge. The last two weeks have laid a strong foundation for the friendships that are blossoming and the mentors are pleased that their mentees are opening up about their issues.

I've worked hard to provide time for the students to talk with each other and to coach the mentors through the first few weeks of their difficult role by assigning creative projects and allowing the mentors to work with their mentees. Last week, they wrote "I Am Poems," which allowed each student to write about their past, as well as their hopes for the future.

In addition to the traditional YESS Institute activities, all students have been logging into Educate to check their progress one time each week. The mentors are doing a stellar job of keeping up with their own classwork while helping their mentees strive for proficiency in their learning targets.

This week, the students have been creating Life Maps (timelines of the important events that have occurred in their lives). They're really taking their time and doing a great job. Check in next week for photos of completed projects!

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